Monday, May 10, 2010

True Life: Blue Box

Blue box
Cascading memories
Swirling, drowning
Picasso’s blue period
Blue moon, standing alone
I keep you hidden
Tucked away
Your smile fades
Your words fall flat
Your touch melts
Whirlpools, floods,
Rivers flow
Tears stream
Blue blood
Flows in my veins
Close the lid
Tuck it away
But never forget
Let go,
But hold on tighter,
But never release
Everything tragic
Everything beautiful
Only slightly contained;
Blue box.

1 comment:

  1. The comment of a normal person: nice. I like it.
    The comment of the literary critic in me: I like the consistent use of imagery; all things that flow (blood, rivers, whirlpool, etc.) There's a good rhythmic quality to the poem, which echoes the "flowing" imagery. : )
