Friday, May 7, 2010

On Money and Independence

The love of money is the root of all evil. Not money itself, mind you, but the love of it. God has told us this, and we would be wise to heed His warning. Chasing after riches is like chasing after the wind. It doesn't get you anywhere, and you will not end up fulfilled by it.


We all need it. And it seems so difficult to come by, especially in this "bad" economy. Bad in quotations because compared to most of the rest of the world, we are still doing pretty amazing. Most of us have shoes and more than one outfit to wear, which automatically puts us ahead of many other countries as far as wealth.

So I am very thankful to have shoes to keep my feet from being cut by rocks, to keep diseases from infiltrating my body and leaving me sick and ailing.


Sometimes I still get tired, and feel like I am running in circles just trying to make a dollar. I have managed to keep two jobs for a consistent amount of time over the past couple of years. But the permanence of each actually proved only to be temporary, since our economy has gone sour and cutbacks have been needed.

This little problem of mine could be solved easily enough. I could move back home (Nor Cal) and into my parents' house. Sure, my room would be the small room that part of the garage was converted into - the one my parents use as an office/school room. Sure, I wouldn't have to worry about paying rent or buying food (OK, let's face it - I'd still buy a lot of my own food, eating out with friends, etc). It sounds like a good option, maybe


There goes my independence. Or what I perceive as independence. And then, the adventure ends. And honestly, am I ready for the adventure to end? No. I still want to experience new things, meet new people, see new places I've never seen. I still want to go to Israel with my church, the church I've been going to for the past 5 years, the church I still really love.


This nagging feeling I have when I consider going home never really goes away. Whenever I talk to my little 12-year-old brother Matthew and he says "I see Josh (his best friend) more than I see you" it hurts a little. Whenever a major holiday rolls around and everyone is spending time with their family, it hurts a little. Every Sunday when everyone talks about having a family BBQ or get-together, it's hard to hear.

But isn't this what growing up means, this independence? Or should I sacrifice that again, for a time, in the name of being practical? No matter which way I turn, I will miss someone. If I leave So Cal behind, it will break my heart. Seeing that Matthew is growing up without me, spending each birthday without me, missing me and wanting me with him, is breaking my heart too.


Everything is for a season. And right now, this season of independence is not over. Not yet.

Not unless God changes my mind and my heart. Only time will tell. For now, I will work every temp job I can get, deliver as many papers as I can, housesit and petsit as much as I can, babysit every chance I get, and do whatever it takes to be independent and free, because this is what growing up is.

And I'm turning 25 soon, so yeah, that makes me an adult. Geez, being grown up is expensive.

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