Wednesday, June 9, 2010

True Life: Waiting

Waiting is hard.

What's harder than delaying gratification is the uncertainty--simply not knowing if what or who you are waiting for even exists, is even possible, is even out there somewhere, somehow.

Yes, I am talking about finding a godly man.

Sometimes, driving home on the freeway, I would seriously look out at all the cars (not hard to do in bumper to bumper traffic) and ask myself (and God), "Is it possible? In all of Orange County, is there even one godly man?" And then I would say, "Seriously, God! Come on! There must be ONE! If there is, will you please show me??? Will you please bring us together??" No answer. But somehow I knew He heard me... He always hears me.

And I don't want to settle. God, help me not to settle! I pray God makes me into the godly woman He wants me to be...someone who will be an excellent wife and the meantime, I hope He is preparing someone for me...And that is what faith is...waiting and hoping, even though you're not sure, even though you don't get it and it doesn't make sense and you're screaming at the top of your lungs "GOD, DO YOU HEAR ME????"

"Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." - Romans 8: 24-26

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